Thursday, February 4, 2010

Shouldn't she focus on sleeping?

Things she does in her sleep....
  1. Michelle has always pooped in her sleep... yes that's usually the only time she poops... its an amazing trick...
  2. Last night - she pulled up to a standing position for the first time... albeit, she did it in her crib.   We have been saying for weeks that we need to 'drop' her crib but never got around to it.  It was quickly dropped last night after our 'I-am-frightened-out-of-my-mind-I-don't-know-how-to-get-down' look Michelle had when got into her room to check on her for crying.
  3. Then at 3 am - there was more crying... why? Because she had managed to get into a sitting position in her sleep.  Again - never done it before when she was awake...
  4. This morning at 7:30 am, I heard her talking.  When I went in closer to 8 am to get her up and ready for the day, what do I find? Like a typical teenager, she was on her back, with her feet up (over the bumper), sticking out through the crib slats... just chilling and talking - all she needed was a cell phone and it would've been a look into future, probl 10 yrs from now...
I see a lot of sleepless nights in our future - as she goes through these 'new milestones' phases... I guess, it was good while it lasted... sleep that is...


Worrybook said...

That last bit about her talking with her feet up was hilarious. Mine is doing the same stuff in her sleep. It's crazy! I am ready for it to end too since I am co-sleeping. lol...

Sini Abraham said...

LOL - I can see how that would hinder your sleep... I have a feeling we'll have our hands full will these girls as they get into tween ages...

S. said...

Very practical approach and well-said. Guess not everyone is as detail-oriented & organized though...agreed, it's one's body, we should be the ones knowning exactly how it works and what doesn't.

Sini Abraham said...

Saj - did you mean this comment for my next entry?