Everyday we wake up ....get dressed, put some make up (hopefully only the women) and go to work... act as we are supposed to be... what we went to school for ... what we our job titles tell us we are... what our parents dreamed for us... but what if we were given the choice to be anyone we wanted to in life...
As I started thinking about this, I had no idea who I would be if I had the option to be anything... maybe a super hero, or a star or a skinny model... hmmm maybe a powerful leader or the richest person in the world. But honestly I am lost...who am I? What is my passion? what are my dreams and aspirations? Would I be happier if I was rich, or a size zero or powerful? Would I have the joy I have in life right now? Would I still have my beautiful niece and nephew in my life? Would Sibi have found me? Would I be as satisfied in life if I had a million dollars? Or what if I was able to help eradicate poverty - that would definitely make me satisfied right? But is that what I am supposed to be? my destiny.... I honestly don't know!
But it would definitely be nice to walk in the shoes of Angelina Jolie for a day or two!
Nice..Lol..the Angelina Jolie coment cracked me up! Wouldnt we all love to have such pouty lips!
If I could be anything in this world..hmm..what would I be? weird thing, I was just thinking about that this morning..LOL..great minds think alike!
If I could be anything without the realistic viewpoint, I'd want to be a hardcore journalist or a social worker.
Really nice post..:)
well do u really want to wank in Angelina's shoes..the shoe size might not be the same...so that might be a problem right there
do you want to wear shoes that dont
fit you..smaller size can give you foot problems and bigger size will come off..in other words..you are in the right shoes..ie your own shoes..they fit you right and no matter what at the end of the day you have all that you need. Life is about what you have not what you need and should have. I am writing this comment as I trying to finish off my papers (yes i have 2 due before midnight todya..
since my lil ones and hubby are snoring away and CRT TV has forensic files running), i am trying to finish it off as much as i can...I hate school
Lol..so mini definitely does NOT want to be a student..that's for sure.
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