Thursday, July 26, 2007

Yay we made it!

Take one day at a time - something we are told often
Carpe Diem - Seize the day

We have heard this a million times, from different people in our lives. But what does it mean to each of us... Ask anyone who knows me and they will attest to the fact that my mind goes a 100 miles a minute and I try to plan as far ahead as possible. I will draw out any and all possible scenarios... try and be prepared so that nothing can surprise me. I make sure that I am in total control of the situation before it even comes along. But things don't always work out the way we want them to...

So it definitely came as a surprise to me when someone was able to come into my life and have me head over heels in such a short period of time. And before I knew it, a whirlwind took over our lives and we were getting married. And then the engagement and wedding planning took over. We lost sight of all the good things in our relationship, why we were together. Fights became more consistent, tempers kept flaring, frustration took over... and before we knew it, we were married. Of course, things became a lot more calm afterwards. We were not burdened with as many responsibilities for the two weeks after the wedding. We enjoyed our time together, regained our focus and felt that we were ready to face what life had in store for us when we got back.... and when we landed back in the US - reality began!

We soon found out that dating and being married is two completely different worlds. We would have clash on every little thing, every minor detail would get on our nerves... But at the bottom of all of this, we knew that there is no one else either of us would rather be with. He is a very insightful, emotional and creative person, I on the other hand can be very dry, straight forward and completely lack creativity. So after 3 months of adjustment period, I think we were getting a hang of it. We learned to fill in what the other lacked and support what the other excelled in.

A year later, we are definitely getting a hang of this married thing... I think we are comfortable. Doesn't mean that we still don't have our little tiffs... we still do that on a very consistent basis. But I think we are getting a lot better an being able to understand and solve them. We both realized that we need each other to make this the best it can be. That we have made a commitment to support each other in good and the bad, in sickness and in health and in happiness and in sorrow. Faith in God and each other really helped us get through this first phase of our lives together. I don't know if we will every be able completely free of arguments and honestly I don't know if I want to.
All I can say is that I am thankful for everything that we have been through. We both always say, what doesn't kill you, only makes you stronger. Our first year has been eventful to say the least, but I think as we go on this roller coaster called life, we are both trying to live for the moment and enjoy each day!
I am sure there are a lot of new challenges ahead of us - as we become first time home owners or as we become parents (for those who are wondering - no we are not planning to get pregnant this year). I am sure there are a lot of new surprises waiting for us... and I am working on planning for all of them. I am going to try and be prepared for everything ahead but I hope there are plenty of things that are waiting to sweep me off my feet again...
Something to think about... as we live our lives
"Dance like no one is watching
Sing like no one is listening
Love like you have never been hurt before
Live like heaven begins tomorrow."

Thursday, July 12, 2007

I wish I was....

Everyday we wake up ....get dressed, put some make up (hopefully only the women) and go to work... act as we are supposed to be... what we went to school for ... what we our job titles tell us we are... what our parents dreamed for us... but what if we were given the choice to be anyone we wanted to in life...
As I started thinking about this, I had no idea who I would be if I had the option to be anything... maybe a super hero, or a star or a skinny model... hmmm maybe a powerful leader or the richest person in the world. But honestly I am lost...who am I? What is my passion? what are my dreams and aspirations? Would I be happier if I was rich, or a size zero or powerful? Would I have the joy I have in life right now? Would I still have my beautiful niece and nephew in my life? Would Sibi have found me? Would I be as satisfied in life if I had a million dollars? Or what if I was able to help eradicate poverty - that would definitely make me satisfied right? But is that what I am supposed to be? my destiny.... I honestly don't know!
But it would definitely be nice to walk in the shoes of Angelina Jolie for a day or two!

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Bottoms up!!!

You are a Pint of Beer. You're happy with who you are. Sure, you may not be the 'sophisticated' and 'refined' type, but at least you're real. You don't let the little things get to you, and you have a good time no matter what life throws at you. Keep it up.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Here there ...Everywhere...

Relationship: the relation connecting or binding participants in a relationship: as a : KINSHIP b : a specific instance or type of kinship

So above we have the definition for a 'relationship' according to Webster's dictionary... but what does it really say? it seems to be a circular reference..... so I guess we can't just look at a dictionary to define relationships.....

As we go through life, we come across so many people ... teachers, friends, coworkers, bosses, subordinates, strangers etc... and each one of them somehow makes an impact in our lives.... so how do we define relationships with them?

It's easy to label Dad, Mom, Sister, Brother, Husband, Brother-in-Law, Sister-in-Law, Cousin and the list can go on and on... and these are all categorized under 'Family' and each is supposed to hold a level of importance in our lives.... Mom, Dad, Sister, Brother, Husband become immediate family....anything else is more extended.... and we do the saame with the people we categorize as 'Friends' - Best friends, close friends, friends and associates....

But we usually find the lines being blurred... friends become more than just friends and become more dear to us than 'Family' and family becomes something we would rather ignore. So as we go through life trying to define each person we meet into a category.... it is going to be very hard to through life defining each of our changing relationships...instead I think I have decided to take anything good that comes my way and enjoy it while it with me and as people and relationships change move on to other things while holding onto all the good impact each has had on my life....