"You look like a homeless person..." said my husband as I walked up the escalator with him at the mall... now most people would be upset if their significant other said something like this ... but honestly ... it caught me off gaurd and as I checked myself out in a store front window; I realized that he infact was correct in his assessment. I did look homeless, unshowered and simple put a bum... but most people who know me, know that I am not a big fan of getting dressed or made up to go anywhere. On that day, I was meeting up with my husband at the mall directly from the gym... I had an old t-shirt on and my hair clearly needed some tlc... but I really couldn't care less about how people perceived me at that moment...
In all honesty...I have often felt the judging eyes that gauge me up as I walk into a posh store ... they are trying to figure out if I belong there or maybe thinking that I am there to shoplift? But either way ...that never bothered me... I have often said... I know who I am and what I am comfortable with... I never smell and I almost never leave the house with a perfect 'face' on ... I do get dressed up when I feel the need to or when the occasion calls for...well in all honesty I only get dressed up when I think necessary and not when the occasion dictates it...
All this has gotten me thinking of all the times I have judged a person solely based on their looks... the way they are dressed or genetically predisposed to certain characteristics...If they have too much makeup on ...I automatically decide that they are high maintenance ... or if a skinny woman is working out a lot at the gym...she must have a eating disorder.... It just makes sense... to me ...an automatic reaction... to pass judgement on people who I have no relation to or knowledge about...so are all humans wired to pass judgement? The bible says not to judge others ... one of the most famous quotes is "People living in glass houses shouldn't throw stones at others"... Yet it is so hard to break this habit...
I think I am going to make a concerted effort to keep an open mind and be accepting of all around me...until I come across some really skinny girl decides to sweat herself to a twig...